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Mul10 Console System


Console System south-facing installation


Mul10 Console System

Console System south-facing installation

A consol system from Mul10metal makes it easy to install solar panels. Our south-facing consol system can be mounted on bitumen and foil roofs with Mul10 consol feet.

The consol system is compatible with all types of solar panels.

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Mul10 Console System South-facing installation

  • Material: Rails: 3.0mm seawater resistant aluminum 57s

Item number:


Complete mounting system with console feet, rail system and connectors.

Flat panels: 0.66 feet per panel.

Standing panels: 1 foot per panel

Clamping bracket for attaching solar panels to the Mul10 bracket system.

Also available in powder-coated black for a more harmonious look with dark panels.

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